About Lands
Lands is an independent design studio in rural Wexford. Encompassing strategy, visual identity and publication design, the work is defined by a minimal aesthetic and typographic simplicity. The ambition is to create memorable outcomes that always exceed client expectations.
Designer Brian Byrne established the studio after he moved to the countryside in 2016. The surrounding landscape had a profound effect—inspiring the studio name, deepening his connection to the land and heightening his interest in sustainability and environmental protection.
Sustainability is fundamentally about consuming less—a simple way of life without needless things. In a way, this mirrors Brian’s design method—removing the clutter, leaving only the essentials to convey the meaning or idea behind his work.

Brian believes that working towards a sustainable future is a moral obligation regardless of our roles in society. As a designer, he understands the transformative nature of design and believes it will be essential in building a better future. By continuing to learn and work with like-minded people and organisations, Brian hopes to play some part in that transformation.
He recently commissioned ‘Sustainability by Design’ a series of articles for the 100 Archive. In 2022, he completed a Master’s Certificate in Design for Sustainability and the Circular Economy run by TUS and LSAD.
—Editorial team member of the 100 Archive
—Member of the Act Now Collective
—Steering group member Design Declares Ireland
Connect with Lands
100 Archive
100 Archive 2018 Selection: Autobuy
100 Archive 2021 Selection: Curracloe NS
100 Archive 2022 Selection: Fair Seas
100 Archive 2022 Selection: Revitalising Our Seas
IDI Award Winner 2023: Fair Seas
Featured100 Archive: Beyond the Pale 2018Fonts in Use: Gottstein Architects 2021Fonts in Use: Journey Home 2022Fonts in Use: World Ocean Day Conference 2023Signal Type Foundry: Journey Home 2023
WritingSunday Business Post: The Last Picture Show 2020 100 Archive: The Act Now Collective 2021
100 Archive: Sustainability by Design 2021
Editing 100 Archive: The Weight of the Web, Kevin Horan, 2022
100 Archive: Taking ownership of what we produce, Lisa Zimmerman, 2022 100 Archive: Rethinking Cultural Experiences, Ruza Leko, 2023 100 Archive: Purpose in Practice, Kevin Horan, 2023 100 Archive: Changing Perspectives, Elaine Butler, 2023
Selected ClientsAct Now Collective / Architects Declare / Ana Dorado / Autobuy / Climate Alarm Clock / Coalition 2030 / Curracloe NS / Doyle & O’Troithigh / Fair Seas / Focus Ireland / Gottstein Architects / Irish Environmental Network / Living Arts / MDP / Men’s Development Network / O’Driscoll Lynn Architects / Phelan Doyle / Robert Bourke Architects / Riverside Vinyl / Ste Murray / Stop Climate Chaos / Wexford Library Service
ContributorsAlex Bradley / Colin Carthy / C+R Print / Doggett Print / James Forbes / Hubert Book Binding / Kilmartin Print Lucy Power / Plus Print / Shane Byrne / Ste Murray / The Factory / Think Print